Our Clients
We are passionate about all the work we carry out to help improve our clients’ lives. Here are some of the reviews our clients have shared.

What they say
“I just wanted to say Thank you to these guys. They handled my case with so much care and professionalism. My situation was extremely sensitive to me, and they made sure to work with me every step of the way. I truly don’t think I would have been able to get through it with a different set of lawyers and paralegals. Special thanks to Sarah, Jessica and Derek. You all made a huge difference in my life. If I ever needed representation again I would call your team first. Also, I would highly recommend you guys to anyone and everyone. At the end of the day you made me feel able to stand up, and face something I had been hiding from, for what felt like a life time. I can now finally start the slow forward progress with the rest of my life. Again, thank you guys so much, not just good lawyers but great people.”
— Aaron V.
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You were the only one who listened to me and would help. I was going to work during the day and having chemo at night, all while trying to take care of 3 kids. I feel better knowing that someone is accountable and can’t thank you enough.”
— Judy D
“Thank you all for working so hard for so long for me in the fight against hormone therapy replacement drugs by Pfizer. Although this entire process started ten years ago I don’t think there was a day that went by that I did not believe in all of you and that the day would come when a settlement would be reached. Thank God I was healthy enough to survive that long and I am so grateful for the amount of the settlement I received. My husband and I are each approaching our 70th birthday and you have made our lives much easier and happier. God Bless you all. Gratefully,”
— Joanne L
Dear Mr. Millrood, The day we received your letter was bitter sweet…all I had lived through was over in a sense. I would never use the word closure”…hate that word. But my first thought was of you and how you had been my companion over all those years, texting, googling, calling, always knowing that you would always be on the receiving end of my communications, and always would be quick to respond in the most assuring, compassionate, professional manner. Clearly, in addition to be well educated, and dedicated, you were very well raised…unfailingly polite and sympatico. So we thank you, thank you , thank you. Sincerely yours,
— Linda R
“It is an incredible experience to have someone fight on your behalf. At PGMBM we found wonderful attorney’s who were bright, compassionate, kind and caring. We experienced further healing over the loss of our son because of their legal defense. Their astute knowledge of the pharmaceutical industries failure to warn issue and their life work of defending those who are victims has been a gift to us.They cannot bring our son back but they have helped us seek justice over the loss of his life.
I cannot say enough good about what these attorney’s have come to mean to us.
They have come to feel like dear friends because of the wonderful support they have offered our family.”
Pogust Goodhead US client
“Thank you for not giving up on me and hundreds of other people who took Prempro and similar products, without knowing it causes cancer.
I am deeply grateful with the settlement, that I may live out my life without fearing future bills. I thank PGMBM and staff for years of dedication on my behalf. A big Thank You to all of you.”
– Beverly C.
“I am a lawyer myself and a member of the South Carolina and New York Bars. With 25 years of experience under my belt including teaching paralegal and criminal justice classes for 17 years, I believe I am qualified to recognize good lawyering when I see it. I was very pleased with my experience as a client with PGMBM. My questions were answered quickly and professionally and the settlement obtained was most satisfactory. They took a case that I really didn’t think had much of a chance of winning and brought it on home for me. Thank you PGMBM. I would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone seeking quality legal assistance.”
Pogust Goodhead US client
“PGMBM was completely professional throughout the entire process, kept me informed with new developments, and always made me feel that my case was a valid and important one. Sometimes with big cases, people tend to get lost in the shuffle, but this never happened and I really just want to thank everyone.”
Pogust Goodhead US client
“I cannot thank you enough for all you have done to achieve the Hormone Therapy Settlement. At times I thought the chances of success were minimal, given pharmaceutical companies’ deep pockets for strong legal defense. I am extremely impressed with your accomplishment, your dedication to seeing it though over an extended period of time, and with not having to personally testify. Your foresight and fortitude are pretty amazing, and yes, I will seek your services for future legal needs I might have. I think you did an exemplary job with this massive undertaking. I’d like to think that the perpetrators of this harm to women may have learned something in the process. You have my utmost respect and gratitude.”
— Olivia S.
“I have received the settlement proceeds from the hormone therapy case. I sincerely want to thank everyone, and am forever grateful, for the diligent and successful work done on this case over I know what was a long and arduous period of time. It has been a pleasure to be a client of yours, and appreciate greatly, that without your efforts, there would not have been a way to satisfy any harm done to the clients you represented. The proceeds will help deal with the loss of my wife and will provide some security going forward. I have been a Certified Financial Planner, so the proceeds will be handled properly and carefully, again thanks to you. Wishing the best to everyone in the future.”
— Ramon H.
Our Cases
Diesel Emissions Fraud
Pogust Goodhead is taking action against vehicle manufacturers that have been accused of malpractice to hold them to account.
Mariana Dam Disaster
The worst environmental disaster in Brazil’s history has triggered one of the biggest legal claims ever filed in the Courts of England and Wales: the Mariana dam disaster claim.
NHS Lothian Audiology
In December 2021, an audit report by the British Academy of Audiology showed significant failures in NHS Lothian’s Paediatric Audiology Service.
Contact Us
If you require any help or advice, please get in touch with the Pogust Goodhead team.