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PGMBM Help Settle British Airways Data Breach Claim On Confidential Terms

As the court-appointed lead solicitors, PGMBM is pleased to announce that litigation with British Airways has been resolved on confidential terms.  

The UK mediation between legal representatives for claimants and British Airways Plc was resolved on confidential terms. 

Harris PogustPGMBM Chairman, said: “We are very pleased to have come to a resolution on this matter after constructive mediation with British Airways. This represents an extremely positive and timely solution for those affected by the data incident.” 

British Airways Data Breach: Case history 

British Airways revealed on 7 September 2018 that there had been a breach of its security systems, leading to over 420,000 customers and staff having their personal data leaked.  

This included names, debit and credit card numbers, addresses, and email addresses. 

In July 2019, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) issued a notice of its intention to fine British Airways £183million for infringements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  

However, in October, the ICO revised the fine down to £20million having considered representations from BA and the impact of Covid-19 on the business. 

PGMBM and British Airways 

The PGMBM team, led by Legal Director Tony Winterburn and Associate Michael Burke, filed a claim on behalf of those affected in April 2020, and have welcomed the resolution.  

The resolution includes the provision for compensation for qualifying claimants who were part of the litigation but does not include any admission of liability by British Airways Plc. 

“The Information Commissioner’s Office laid out how BA did not take adequate measures to keep its passengers’ personal and financial information secure,” Harris Pogust said. 

“However, this did not provide redress to those affected. This settlement now addresses that.” 

The easyJet claim  

As well as being the court-appointed lead solicitors in the British Airways’ data breach case, PGMBM is also representing growing numbers of claimants in a case relating to a similar data breach by easyJet, first revealed in May 2020.  

The breach saw nine million passengers’ data exposed, including names, email addresses, and travel information. 

Harris added: “The pace at which we have been able to resolve this process with British Airways has been particularly encouraging and demonstrates how seriously the legal system is taking mass data incidents.  

“This is a very positive sign as we look ahead to what will be an even bigger case against easyJet relating to their 2020 data breach, as well as other similar international actions.” 

Those affected by the easyJet data breach can join the claim on a No-Win, No-Fee basis at 

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